Have you ever wanted to discuss Cicero in Latin? Or talk about your interests in Ancient Greek? Or even to introduce yourself in Sanskrit? If you have (but even if you have not), the Oxford Ancient Languages Society (OALS) invites you to our Gustationes, or active Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit taster sessions, for an afternoon devoted to language and conversation. These will be held on Sunday 8th October, from 2pm, at the Ship Street Centre, Jesus College. You will practice some key sentences in Ancient Greek, Latin, and/or Sanskrit, and will either learn the basics, or start to activate your existing knowledge, of these wonderful languages, by beginning use them in conversation. Besides classes, there will be time for casual chatting and refreshment, as well as singing in Latin and Greek. All are welcome. So do come along, whether or not you have ever studied these languages before. We hope to see many of you soon!
Timing: Sunday 8th of October, from 2PM
Address: Jesus College, Ship Street Centre
Contact us at
*please note: our gustationes will not be held online this year
Outline of the day:
14.00: Beginning of the afternoon
14.15: Welcome and division into groups
14.30-15.15: Latin and Sanskrit Classes
15.15-15.45: Break and singing
15.45-16.30: Greek and Sanskrit Classes
16.30-17.00: Snacks, more singing, conversation